Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cookies and Christmas

A few more days until Christmas....after I decorated the house last week to look nice and homely for Christmas I decided that today was the day to up my housewifey game. I got christmas cookie recipes (from my mother), the boyfriend was busy on the balcony cleaning up the old shower bit (long story, nevermind) and I went to the local grocery store to get the last bits I needed to make the delicious cookies.

Well. Let me just say this much: the people in my neighbourhood LOVE ready mix cookies, cakes and don't really care about 'making from scratch'. Great. I raided the whole store for coconut flakes, Lebkuchengewuerz, and god knows what else was on my list.

Well. I found maybe 5 out of the 25 things I needed to make the 5 different kinds of cookies.

VERY annoying.

At least when I got home I heated up some Gluehwein, made the first cookies with almonds and marzipan and then a friend stopped by for a chat.

Happy 3rd of Advent.

4 more nights to my birthday. I love being 30, but 31 sucks a bit I think. It's a lame number, and it also shows me that I have only roughly 9 more years to figure out whether it's the right time to have babies.

still hoping for a puppy to practise, but that won't happen either I guess.

Not the right time for baby, allergies vs. puppy and no money for vacations.

Life's a bitch sometimes. But the cookies are delicious anyways.

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