Monday, October 5, 2009

Some more quiet thoughts...

...comforting someone who has lost two people that were a part of his life within 6 weeks is tough.

It is tough because there's nothing I can do to ease the pain, there are no answers I can provide, and as an Atheist, I can't even hold on to the thought of an afterlife and some higher meaning of death. We're all part of a comedy, and all of us are actually pretty meaningless in this big global circus. There's noone up there or down there guiding us, telling us off if something is wrong, patting us on the back if something is right. Life isn't fair, life just is.

I wish more people considered that fact when making choices in their lifes. I wish more people decided to live every day to the fullest.

The last 12 months have been very emotionally exhausting, and I hope that the following 12 months will give us some peace and happiness to enjoy, and rest.

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