Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Importing a car

...into the Netherlands without paying any import taxes is very painful. It turns out that the Netherlands are even more bureaucratic than Germany in some respects...

The lady at the customs had humour and understanding surgically removed at birth, including the fact that if someone speaks funky Dutch it might be nice to not throw 75 big words at them in tax and customs lingo...Ok I think I got out of her that I need to go to Rotterdam Airport to get a form that frees me from paying taxes to get Betty into the Netherlands, then I have to get the car tested (one mandatory, the other one no clue what it does), and THEN I can come back to customs but not without an APPOINTMENT.


Plus, on top of that: I got stuck in the attic today. One hour without socks on the attic is not that comfy. Ze boyfriend was out getting the dining table, the phone rang three times and I stared down 2.85m wondering whether I should jump or not... *sigh*

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